@homosanity · 5:00

America, Do You Lnow Your 3 Super Powers?

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And people getting discouraged. Oh, you can't trust anybody because, heaven forbid, nobody's perfect in government. So don't vote for anybody. Okay? So they're disempowering the power of our votes by stopping people from voting. Our votes do matter. Second our money. We are now pretty much almost becoming a United Corporations of America rather than a United States of America because our corporations and lobbying have become so powerful. But guess what?

#politics #freedom #corporations #greed #workersrights

@homosanity · 0:53
Hi. We have to do something now and something united, and we got to wake up. We got to wake up and be okay with being uncomfortable to actually do something and not buy into know the conspiracy theories that are being thrown out there about voting, about that you don't have any power against us, that it's too late. And I don't know. We just got to create some kind of movement on focusing, on using our money and taking back our power as Americans and
I don't get on board with people very often at all. When people start bringing up political crap, I tell them to shut up. I don't want to hear it. But you got all my yeses because you speak the truth, my friend. And then our freedom of speech, our freedom to choose, we can't let them take it away. But we've already let them take away rights
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@homosanity · 5:00


Oh well, I'm glad. That is awesome, your response, and I'm glad that I could inspire and motivate you in that way. Let me speak to this for a minute on what you said about the Electoral College. There's always a representative and there was an instance and I can't remember the state, but people voted and the person who was representing them said, no, not going to listen to those people and I'm going to vote the other way
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 5:00
I think what would be better to do is to think local, think go within and not without. First, create the kind of world and society you want in your own home and then work literally on your next door neighbors and then literally on the block that you live in and then your neighborhood and then your city and start at that smallest level. So if Tyson chicken is something you want to have an impact against, what you need to do is stop buying Tyson chicken yourself
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@homosanity · 1:07


But I really do like that local level that you talked about. That was really awesome. It's starting on a smaller level, so I thank you for that. Awesome. Thank you so much for your post. Bye