Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica ¡ 3:57

My BOOKISH Buys This Week😀Shadows, Language, Decor— Oh My!

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And I don't know anything about Rue or Home Rue or anything, but I'm glad that I am learning about Rue because they started off as an online, they're still online magazine and so they have this big gorgeous coffee table ready type of book with gorgeous photos of home decor, so I'm loving it. So far, I'm looking at the photographs each and every day and I'm loving what I see. Absolutely adore it. So those are my top three book buys from this week

#Link to Home With Rue👉🏽 https://amzn.to/3PXy2Fl BookRecs #HomeDecor #Podcast #Japanese , #AmazonAffiliate
