Diabetes FRIENDLY Smoothies I RECOMMEND ♥️ Swipe through for Recipe Pics!

You. Good morning, y'all. I thought I'd come on here and do a couple of quick swells before I go into work. So as a diabetic, it's very hard to pick out sweet, tasteful things that actually have flavor. And that's true even when it comes to smoothies. In fact, smoothies are typically not on the list for diabetics. But the smoothie that I've been trying lately is the dragon fruit smoothie. I'm a beginner in making smoothies

#DiabetesFriendly #smoothies #healthytastyfoods

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:38
Thank you, Erica, for adding these. I really appreciate it because we were just talking about smoothies the other day, so I'm looking forward to it because you know what? Trying to get it right. So I'm looking forward to these delicious looking smoothies. I got to get all the ingredients, and then I want to use coconut milk, too, so I don't know if we're allowed to do that or not, but put coconut milk in some of them
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:37


Hey, good evening, Evelyn. So thank you for responding. I'm glad that you're going to be trying those out. There's a few more in the book that I haven't tried out. And in many ways, the green smoothies take some getting used to because, I mean, you're adding leafy greens. But the good thing is you can add what you want to it. As far as coconut milk, I don't see why not
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

javon johnson
@motoblanco · 0:55


Thanks for the tip, but I'll probably also maybe go on Amazon and try to find, like a green smoothie. Green smoothie, low carb recipe book or something like that. Just get some ideas. But thanks. Have a good night. Bye
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:04


Hey, Javon, thank you for chiming in. And smoothies typically dump a lot of sugar into your body. This is why the green smoothies, the diabetic blend, is so perfect, because you're not getting the high sugar content from certain fruits. And the fruits that you do use is very low on the glycemic scale. The dragon fruit package, it comes preportioned. So they have like five preportioned packages within the large package