Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:21

HOW Do I Know If I Am Managing My DIABETES Well? What Are My Weaknesses?♥️

Hey, y'all. Good morning and happy Friday to you. So, one of the questions in our support group last night was, how do we know that we're managing our diabetes well and what are our vulnerable spots? Right? So a lot of people were very honest. They said that they're not managing it very well. They don't know how it feels to have a day where their blood sugars are within range. And so I was honest

#Type2Diabetes #HealthManagement #food

Becky Butler
@bc75 · 4:55

#Arewemanagingwell #Whatareourvulnerabilities

And so we're hardy people up here. But at the same point, I just thought that was a really nice gauge and measuring stick to assess how we're doing with other things in life. You know, how well are we doing, what are our vulnerable spots? And we need to stay. I don't know if vulnerable is the right word, but we need to stay humble, open and not bitter, shut down, alone, morose and just swimming and wallowing in ourselves
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:35


You know, when that question was asked of us in the support group last night, I said, this is a really great question. And it's a great question for those dealing with chronic illnesses and for those who just want to check in with themselves once a month or every week. Like, what have I done that has improved myself this month or this year? What may have you. And it's very important to be diligent about that