Heena Dua
@heenadua · 1:09

College Life

Hello swell farm. Hope you're doing well. Now since our College offline College has started today I would like to talk about my point of view on the offline College life. College life. Me being a second year student has been a roller coaster this time traveling between online and offline classes, meeting and society works. I've made really good friends in College, but somewhere honestly enjoyed the online College exams rather than the offline ones. And as far as I think every College does that

#college #offlineclass #du

Riya Sharma
@Rsharmaiya · 0:28
Not too long ago, my mother was holding me like, you're a College student and you're still not studying. Then my brother, from the behind, said, College is all about, like, experience, not about the studies. And I feel says that, yeah, we don't study that much, but the stories we have are, like, we will tell to our grandchildren, and they're like, we did that in our time
This is something I can't relate because I'm a school student and haven't experienced the College life. But your point of view of College was really great