
Govindh Jayaraman



Empowering everyone to achieve their goals.

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Sleep and Joy

Taking care of your physical needs can help you feel more energetic and joyful. #Joy

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Mindfulness and Joy

Being present and fully engaged in the moment can help you find joy in everyday activities. #Joy

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Joy of Hobbies and Activities

Doing things that bring you joy and fulfillment can help you find joy in your life. #Joy

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Joy and Connecting with Loved Ones

Spend time with loved ones: Connecting with friends and family can bring joy and happiness. #Joy

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
The Joy of Trying New Things

Trying new things and exposing yourself to new ideas and perspectives can bring joy to your life. #Joy

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Kindness and Joy

Practice kindness: Helping others and being kind can bring joy to your life and the lives of others. #Joy

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Gratitude and Joy

Focusing on what you have, rather than what you lack, can help you find joy in your life. #Joy

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Letting Go of Control

Without any attempt to control it in any way. Allow the breath to be as it is. #LettingGo

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Four Steps of Letting Go

Settling In. Recognizing. Accepting. Sense the freedom that this letting go can bring. #LettingGo

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Hold Our Feelings with Compassion

Naming of the feeling gently (betrayal, sadness, pressure) and allow the feeling the space to be. #LettingGo

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Letting Go of Sensations

Experience the natural tides of the breath as it comes and goes. Just observe it. #LettingGo

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
When we Let Go

Feel it as a pearl of wisdom that knows it is time to move on and tenderly return to the present. #LettingGo

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Letting Go of the Past

Like emptying a cup, letting go leaves us free to receive, refreshed, sensitive, and awake. #LettingGo

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Practice Letting Go

One of the essential tasks for living a wise life is letting go. Letting go is a path to freedom. #LettingGo

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Forgiveness Affirmations

Repeat positive affirmations such as "I forgive you" to yourself. #Forgiveness

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Reflect on the Benefits of Forgiveness

Consider the benefits of forgiveness for your own well-being and relationships. #Forgiveness

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Forgiveness and Asking for Help

A therapist can help you work through these emotions and develop strategies for forgiveness. #Forgiveness

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Compassion and Forgiveness

Be kind and understanding towards yourself, as well as others. #Forgiveness

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Focus on the Present to Forgive

Instead of dwelling on past hurts, try to focus on the present moment. #Forgiveness

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Forgiveness and Letting Go of Anger

Let go of anger: Holding onto anger and resentment can make it difficult to forgive. #Forgiveness

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Forgiveness and Empathy

Practice empathy: Try to understand the other person's perspective and feelings. #Forgiveness

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Sunlight Gratitude Affirmations

I am appreciative of everything that has happened in my life. #GratitudeAffirmations

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Perpetual Gratitude Affirmations

I am in a perpetual state of thanksgiving. #GratitudeAffirmations

Govindh Jayaraman
@govindh · 0:10
Recognize and Affirm

I am more powerful than I know and I can achieve anything. #GratitudeAffirmations

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