Goddess to a Demon
@Goddesstoademon · 4:58

It was like high school all over again

Yesterday, I placed myself into a situation that led to one of the most uncomfortable experiences I've had to date. I am really active on Instagram. And I had entered alive. And a gentleman was talking, and I was listening to him because he was talking to himself. There was nobody else in the room. And then he invited me to come up, so I accepted. And we were having a conversation in which he stated that he was Lucifer
Goddess to a Demon
@Goddesstoademon · 4:56
And I had to sit there and listen to it and take it because I put myself in that situation. My feelings were never hurt. They don't have that kind of power. They were lying on me, and I had the information that would have justified what I did, and I couldn't share it because that was more important to me at the sake of myself