Guadalupe Ospina
@GOD1forever · 5:00

The European why they left European

They don't have no gold, they don't have no diamonds, they don't have no minerals, they don't have no oil, they don't have nothing over there. So this is the purpose behind them leaving Europe and going to other places and stealing land and killing people and acting like they discover something, a place where there was already people living and deceiving native people of the land, killing them and taking their stuff because they didn't have anything. It's deep
Guadalupe Ospina
@GOD1forever · 5:00
How they had us back then in the cotton field, but once you know who you are. And you know that you are better than them because that's the thing, we are better than them because we are the original people of the earth. This is why they created this system. And they always put in these pictures and all this publicity of this european features to try to brainwash us into thinking that we are not beautiful. But they know deep down inside that they are not even human