Gigi Nevarez
@giginevarezpr · 0:19

#TellYourStory | There are two types of people in the world...

You. Good morning and happy Monday. So today's prompt is there are two types of people in this world, and the answer to that is the type of person who gets up in the morning and makes their bed. And then there's the type of person who doesn't. You're either one of the two

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb5 @phil

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:47
Hey, I agree. I and team make my bed. I mean, why would I want to get back into a bed that's been slept in and everything's tossed and turned? No, I have beautiful quilts, and the only way to fully display that quilt is to have the bed made and see the quilt in all of its glory, as well as various pillows that are on my bed
Abhishek Haridasan
@harryrockerz · 1:42

People who believe and people who flow...

You. Great prompt to start the day. But how do we categorize people based on intent or being too laid back? But, well, we're not here to discuss on that. So there are two kind of people. Two kinds of people, rather. One, of course, is the type of people who believe that everything they do is for the good and shall provide good for the communities that they are part of. And the others are those who go with the flow