Gary Brown
@garyplaysbone · 0:47

Audio Introductions, Wow!

It's not just writing, it's also audio. Love it. What other kinds of functions have all of you discovered recently after having used swell for months and months? Yeah, this is a really good one. I love it. Alright, have a good day everybody

#latetothegame #wow


@garyplaysbone #SwellTips

Okay, so to recap, if I'm remembering, we've got swell audio turned video, we've got open swellcasts, we've got co hosts, hashtags in your profile, private groups, resells. I think maybe that's, that's all that comes to mind at the moment


And so if you want to bookmark a swell at the top, you'll see the bookmark symbol. That's pretty self explanatory, the queue. Anytime you see a button that says play all or play latest, it'll play all of them or latest and show up in your queue and it usually will put about 20 of them in there and you can then take out which ones. I think you can modify that list. If I remember correctly, it's been a while since I've used it
Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:05


Okay, I'll try out that bookmark thing. Thanks for letting me know. Bye, now