Ruth Steinberg
@gardening · 0:59

Moment Magazine | What has Barbara Streisand meant to me...

article image placeholderMoment Magazine | A Swell storytelling page
What does Barbara Streisand mean to me? What does Barbara Streisand mean to me? Wow, that is such an amazing question. And I'll tell you why. She has a deep resonance in my life. Resonance in my life for a different reason. To most people, she her look, I had a sister who unfortunately passed before we immigrated from South Africa. Her, she was 27 years old and an absolutely beautiful person. And she had Barbara Streisand's eyes and nose

#MomentMag #sppmmagp5 @moment https://s.swell.life/SU8BIuoLkweT0Kz #jewish #culture

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:26


Wow. That is one of the most beautiful reasons I've ever heard about a connection to a celebrity. Specifically, Barbara's eyes and nose are so memorable and gorgeous. And to think that they evoke your sister in your heart and mind, that is remarkable. I'm so happy you had this time to share with us that incredible connection. How beautiful. Thank you