Fer Andraez
@FerAndraez · 3:47

3 Reasons Why Christmas is FAKE :(

I think that with Christmas specifically, it's very hard to recognize and acknowledge what it's really even here for at this point. Holidays are meant to celebrate traditions which are typically built through cultures and religions. But if we can really put the religion part aside because I don't want to offend anyone that is either a Catholic or Christian, because that is not my intention

Maybe this is a biased opinion, maybe it isn’t would love to listen to you all on this

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:01
We define what that means to us, and then whatever happens outside, it's beyond our control. But yeah, no, I hear you on this. I hear you on this. So I don't know, I'm hoping for a better Christmas next year and every year after that and yeah, thank you for sharing