Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:59

Can We Be Strong Enough To Go Through the Pain?

I think the numbers are well over 71,000 at this point. But I like to cite where I get my information so you could do your own follow up. And so my question to you is this, and I really hope you respond, what do you think is going on? There is something that is going on in this country that so many of us are choosing to numb our pain with drugs


Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:36
Hey, thanks so much for the invite. I will say that this topic is something that is dear to me. I don't know if I talked to you about it before or mentioned on your swell, but my mother actually passed away. A pain pill addiction. My mother was someone who grew up in a household that was abusive and she carried it on into her own household
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:33
But the psychology of whatever we endure mixed with the biology of what drugs do to our bodies and in the environment that will either nurture that addictive behavior, or in both our cases, we see people who matter to us struggle with addiction, but then we learn from it. We don't test that approach to dealing with pain, but to see what fentanyl is doing and to extend that. That struggle that we have about what is it that makes us so needy to numb the pain?