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@emmalaurenpooleΒ Β·Β 2:09

One Good Thing For Yourself: Day 1

I went outside with two of my friends and a big bag of bird feed, and we went to the lake near my apartment, at which point we fed the birds. Now, this is something so simple that just took a few steps and not very many minutes at all, but it made me feel so much better. It's something as simple as that that can be one good thing for yourself every day. Share below. What good thing did you do for yourself today?

#selfcare #positivity #wellness #mentalhealth

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesunΒ Β·Β 0:59
But it actually really helped me be more present to what I was seeing and noticing the changes of the colors of the leaves for fall and just really taking everything in and being fully present. So that was one thing I did today that made me feel good. So thanks again for sharing this, and I look forward to listening to more
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@emmalaurenpooleΒ Β·Β 0:45


It's like summer summer two, maybe a week of fall, and then, like, summer three, but just with less humidity. But so happy for you that you got to do that and set that time aside. Even if you didn't set out to do it, the universe just put that in your path because you needed it. So thank you so much for sharing. I'm glad that you're enjoying the series, too
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 3:21
If I believe it, then I'm going to move forward and exist as though it has already occurred. And so how does a person exist when it has already occurred? They're carefree. They're at peace. They have happiness, inner joy. They're enjoying themselves. And I was like, Wait a minute. I'm going to do my consistent, productive steps for today
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@emmalaurenpooleΒ Β·Β 1:12


I think that society has perpetuated so much the idea of turning off our screens to find peace, that we sometimes tend to forget that sometimes the people in the community that we find peace with, we can do that through our screen time as well. It's just a matter of using the phone as a tool for intentionality and to be purposeful rather than to be distracted or to get stressed out and more so. I totally agree with your perspective and thank you so much for sharing
Ari Rivera
@ari.rivera9Β Β·Β 1:26
And I really, really like this idea of just doing one good thing for yourself. So today I'm trying to think, I went to the gym today. I feel like that was one good thing for myself. I got my body moving. I listened to music, and I burned some calories, which is always good. Working out makes me feel good. It makes my mind clear. So obviously, that is just a good thing for myself, I think
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@emmalaurenpooleΒ Β·Β 0:39


Hey, Ari. My queen. Thank you so much for the comment. I am so glad that you're enjoying the series and I hope you do listen to all the episodes because some of them are pretty funny, actually. I love that you went to the gym. That is a great thing to do for yourself. Something that I do not do often enough
