@DTalks · 2:50

I paint a picture

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You. Hello beautiful souls. My brother sent me a video of a beautiful swan that he saw earlier on his walk today in the morning. And I am going to paint a picture from that for you. So here I am, all by myself sitting on bench by the pond. And right up front ahead of me on the edge of the pond is a beautiful white swan. The swan, just like me, is all by itself. The swan and me and the nature around us
preethy uthup
@peeli · 0:58
So it's got a lot of I don't know, it's got a depth to that story, I feel, of what you painted. And I really liked it. So cheers to you. Have a beautiful day. Bye. Take care
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 1:00
Hello, detox. I really enjoyed this. Well, I usually love descriptive pieces like especially narrations, especially about nature, but this was really different. It wasn't just talking about a scenery or a scene. It was more about it was almost like there was a parallel between you and this swan. And whatever was going on in your mind or your state of being was being reflected by this majestic creature. So really lovely piece and you added so many dimensions to it
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:43
So thank you so much for such a beautiful and fantastic narration that you have done and made us also smile by starting our day with your swell. Thank you
@DTalks · 0:12


Thank you, Gaudi, for your response. And if I could bring a smile to your face, then that's mission accomplished for me. So thank you once again
@DTalks · 0:11


Thank you, Candy, for gauging the underlying meaning of the picture that I sketched. Truly appreciate it. Thank you so much
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:12
Hello. Hi. That was interesting. I have never heard something like that before. And you painted a beautiful picture. I could actually see everything that you were saying