@DTalks · 4:48

Am I broken ?!

But realize and understand that it takes time. It will take months, even years to feel back to normal. And yes, even then, the pain doesn't go away completely. But that emotional damage is what makes you who you are. And that is something you should never want change completely. I sum it up with that and wish all you beautiful people a very good day. Thank you, guys. Bye
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:38
And I'm happy to change. I am happy to fit into a different mold and I'm happy to do that change. And that is according to me. Every time I'm broken, I make that change and come as a powerful a warrior from the battle and all my scars, I'm happy to tell people that they are badges on me and you have striked deep down in my heart as well and it is so true. I really enjoyed hearing it. Have a beautiful day. Thank you
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 1:54
And it's something that I think about and reflect often in my own life. So it was really, really nice hearing this. And also, you're right that it is a journey, it's not immediate, and the process of healing is long. It happens throughout our life. And because we navigate and a lot of different things trigger us, right, trigger us and take us back to the same place sometimes
@hmnt · 4:28
So his willpower like he is too negative that he is not able to move on then that create a little bit problem. Because every time you cannot be like you are broken. Then how you will grow in your life, right? How you will move on? So it's totally depend on the person to person. But you told this is very great. This is very knowledgeable right? If knowledgeable means like yeah. You told very smoothly