Theresa Ann
@DrivenByDestiny · 3:38

Wholeheartedly Working

If that was your goal, then you do it and you do it wholeheartedly and mind your business with the next person. It's very easy, like I said, to look at people and automatically assume that they are not wholeheartedly doing what they say that they need to do

#wholeheartedly #mindmadeup #committed #staythecourse

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:54
And it is actually better for me, for my health, but also for whatever it is that I'm trying to achieve. That baby step, if it's a good baby step, is much better than a leap that I'm trying to make that's really messy or incomplete, because I just don't have the capacity for it. So, yeah, your message really resonates with me
Theresa Ann
@DrivenByDestiny · 0:31


Thank you so much for your response. Ann not just this response. I do see that you've responded to a few of my podcasts, and I do want to thank you for your support and for your input. Your feedback. I completely, sincerely, wholeheartedly, accepted and appreciated. So thank you so much just for sharing your heart with me as well. Thank you for the encouragement as well