Aanchal Makhija
@Dr.Aanchal · 1:54

Time when I had to confront to be a Bully!!!

You a time when I had to confront a bully. A bully is something which is kind of an abuse. I believe it is a kind of a trigger for you when you become. When you grow old. So there was a time when I had to confront a bully to my parents. It was not easy, believe me. I feel you need to have two things. Passion and courage. Courage to speak out loud that you have been bullied by someone. Compassion for yourself

#storytelling #bully #confrontation

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:48
Because if parenting is done right, I believe children can be channeled in the right path. Of course, not everything can be controlled, but whatever happens at home leaves an impression on the child. And sometimes it is the case that because they weren't made aware of the fact that bullying is a very bad way to go about life, they become bullies, being completely unaware of how they are affecting the people they are bullying. So I think a conversation needs to generate around bullying in schools and colleges
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:56
And it is very important when certain situation comes, you take your own stand and fight for yourself and always raise voice when you see something wrong is happening. So I do agree with your statements and you are really an inspiration in this particular aspect. Thank you so much for sharing it and trying to make all of us even more confident and compassionate towards ourselves. Thank you Anshal for this wonderful swell
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 1:04
It took me years to come out of it. So thank you for sharing this well and keep swelling, keep posting. Thank you so much ma'am. And I think this was very well needed because we all have somewhere in our heart some story about bully but we feel scared to put it across. But thank you for this swell and I'm sure many people who will listen to your swell will be confident talking about it. Thank you so much. Thank