Layton Dodge Jr
@Dodgemaniac71 · 4:56

My First Swell-Cast

And that's just awesome to see and awesome to hear, but you have these other branch out sports that are coming. You got the xfl, for example, that's going on. And the xfl, one of the things I find interesting is that they don't have extra points like a kicker. In other words, your points are either a one point, a two point, or three point conversion. They don't even have an onsite kick

What’s your take on sports??

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 2:33

My take on sports!

Hello. Welcome to swell. I really enjoyed your first swellcast. It was great. I am a huge sports fan myself, so this was very interesting for me. I just wanted to give you my take because you were curious about it. So let me give you my take on sports. I am a Yankee fan, so I share your New York vibe, even though it's a different New York vibe. But nevertheless, I'm a Yankee fan. Even though I'm from Massachusetts