Sonji Jones-Manson
@docsonji · 3:46

Finding a Safe Space to Explore Your Voice

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And it wasn't just women who looked like me. There were women from various marginalized groups. And what I kept hearing was that the issues that were important to them, that they felt they really wanted to explore more deeply. They felt that oftentimes they were being discouraged to do so in the way that they wanted to approach it, because it didn't necessarily fit in with the status quo or with the traditional way of approaching acquisition of knowledge or understanding of an issue

Do you think a safe spaces is needed for marginalized groups to build knowledge around issues that are important to them?



1000%. Yes, I am autistic ADHD. I am disabled and I am gay. And I learned that I'm autistic ADHD at 46. I'll be 49 next month. Those spaces, those safe spaces, were invaluable. When you look at the descriptions of autism, they're based on whitemail presentation. And if you don't fit that in some way, shape, or form, you don't recognize yourself in that
Cheryl Dennis
@Lavendermenace · 1:35
You? Absolutely. I've been talking about this and trying to put my finger on this exact point for so long. Growing up as a lesbian and always knowing that I was gay was different. It was hard. And when I got to college, I finally met the people that were like me and were completely out. And I was ashamed of that at first. I had a hard time with that at first