Miranda Doerfler
@docsaico · 3:24


But I think the horror moments in Skinner Marink are a good payoff for the really slow burn. I was looking up, like, explanations and interpretations of it after I finished the movie and noticed that every article I read had, like, a different interpretation of what happened, and none of them were my interpretation, so I thought that was kind of cool and interesting

horror, movies, shudder, skinamarink

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:55
Now that you're saying that there were so many different and interpretations of it, I find that sometimes maybe that means the creators didn't even know what they were doing, but in the best of cases, they know exactly what they were doing and invited a lot of different interpretations, which I like. So I think I'm going to check it out. I don't have shutter, but I'll figure it out a way to watch it. But thank you for your review