davender jain
@dkswellhi · 0:05

How can someone live and not have a story to tell!!

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article image placeholderUploaded by @dkswellhi
article image placeholderUploaded by @dkswellhi

Union Edu Minister Pradhan ji. Book has inspiiring/interesting life stories of some iitians and the difference they made.Available on kindle at Amazon

davender jain
@dkswellhi · 0:35

The book has stories of life journeys of ordinary iitians told by themselves who could make a difference..The book is available on kindle in Amazon

You. Hi. The book is about life journey of iatns who could make a difference. The stories are highly inspiring and interesting to read. So you'll find the book very interesting to read. If you go through it and you're free to ask me a question, I'll be happy to answer. Thank you and bye
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article image placeholderUploaded by @dkswellhi
davender jain
@dkswellhi · 0:07

Its a vedy interesting book to read!

A very interesting book to read