Deepanshu Goyal
@deepanshugoyal · 0:58

Finally DU is Reopening | Is it Good or Bad?

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Ania Hassal yorovan. Welcome back to our Solar Cost. I hope you all are doing well so recently I just got an update that Du is finally reopening on 17th February which means is there is a high chance that offline exams are going to happen. So what is your view on this? Like are you ready for offline exams or you want to still prefer online exams? And one more question, if there are University especially ask swell Department

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Aakansha Girdhar
@Aakanshagirdhar · 1:05
So I suppose for Sol they should open colleges after first semester, for the second semester and for regular if students have studied that, so they can open that. Otherwise, I guess first semester should be online