Mark Z
@DDConfessional · 1:34

Entitled Burrito

And so it was some college kid ran his dad's credit card for a burrito. And it was, no kidding, 200 yards from my car to the burrito stand, and then another 400 yards to this dude's house. I I have no words to describe a part of admiration. Like, wow, he just said, I'm doing this. The other part of it is like, you couldn't go get the burrito. But then I get it


sabiel vushaj
@Sabielchiagoaut · 1:06
The person who ordered the burrito did not give you a tip because he was too lazy to get his food because he has no car, he has no cash to get his own food. I feel for you guys on DoorDash he's a lazy piece of crab kid and he goes to college. It's not fair for you guys to get his own food and pay it