Connor O'Dowd
@darthvadersdad · 0:50

#UCSBStory | What I miss the most about my time on UCSB campus...

article image placeholder#UCSBStory | A Swell storytelling page
You. What I missed most about going to UCSB was my sense of community and the work hard, play hard attitude that all my friends brought to their college experience. I lived with about 15 of my friends. They were all very smart guys. And I'd go study at the library all day because, you know, everyone's having too much fun at home, or at least people who weren't studying that day

#TellYourStory #sspucsbp1 https://s.swell.life/SU77jedNLx92Bn6 @taylor

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:37
This is so great. And the way that you describe it, I mean, I can just see it. I can see the visual, but it's great. I've listened to a few of these ucsb story prompts responses and everybody is talking about the community. I don't know. I went to a college where we had no sense of community. So to me it sounds so beautiful what you all had over there in such a beautiful environment