Danny Brill
@dannygbrill · 1:21

#MyProfile | Danny Brill

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And my ultimate goal is that all basic human needs become basic human rights and stuff like food, health care, housing, transportation, et cetera, become free so that individuals are then liberated to fulfill their own unique personal potential. And my hope is that by giving it all away, that we'll become better than ever before together, but yet unique and separate and free. Now, that sounds like freedom to me. Okay, guys, stay tuned


Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:22
Yes, I echo everything that you just shared, and it's so important to talk about these topics, and Swell is a really great community to do that. So thank you so much for starting for starting this conversation, and I look forward to hearing more
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 0:20
You. Hey, Danny. It is JL. Welcome to the Swell platform. And I appreciate your intro message. You're right. Everything you said ten X sounds like freedom. And I look forward to your future swell content. Thank you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Speaking Buddha
@Vivek.Padalia · 0:11

#vivekpodcast #wellnesslotus #speakingbuddha

Hey, Danny, thank you for your wonderful introductory note. I enjoyed it. And look forward for most podcasts from