The Daily Swell
@daily · 4:50

The Middle East holding its breath awaiting Israel's response to Iran

And I think it is going to be much more calculated than a knee jerk reaction here and one that will consider all the future alliances that have been built up and what the future of those alliances will be. I'm curious to what people think will be next. And if anybody else has any ways of explaining exactly what happened over this past weekend,

Puzzling moves cloud what is next. https://s.swell.life/SUAJySdpQaYmnkG

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:23
I think when theres a nuclear threat, we all have to just say, okay, whos got their head on straight? And in my estimation, the population of Israel wants its government to hold and to not move and to just be because we have our head on straight way more than the iranian regime does because they will use that nuclear option because they have a very extremist view of what their goals are long term. So short term destruction might fit into their idea. It's very scary