Crystal Reyes
@CrystalNina42 · 4:20

The importance of boundaries

Recently I've been getting an influx of male, I guess, followers as I'm on other platforms such as TikTok or Instagram. And people just don't respect boundaries. Now, I look a lot younger than I actually am, so people think I'm in my either in my twenty s or in my early thirty s, and they think I'm naive and stupid. And they try very, very hard to push past the boundary of my marriage

Life and stories

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:13
You hold the power to just ignore them and to continue to live your life the way you desire to, to continue to create the type of content you desire to create
Crystal Reyes
@CrystalNina42 · 4:06


And like I said, I'm very aware of biologically what our bodies are supposed to be doing. And if you see somebody attractive, you automatically go for them. My whole thing is, once you let them know that it's not going to happen, they continue to pursue. So that's kind of where my rant came from and, yeah