Crystal Dozier
@CrystalDozier · 2:45

Dear Friend I am not ok Today!

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Something is wrong with reaching out for help. Finally, I want you to know that there is hope. Even on the darkest days, there is always hope. You're not defined by your mental illness, and it does not have to control your life. I always say I am not my illness meaning or I am not my diagnosis meaning it doesn't define my life or who I am. You are capable of healing and finding happiness, of living a fulfilled life

I have been writing in my digital journaling. I can not show a video. So i decided to read my journal thoughts with you all.

Veronica Triplett
@VeeTrip · 1:18
It. All I could say is, you sound like me. You know, I do fight. I fight with that as well. You know, depression is being real, but also God is real. So I have many days where I'm just not okay. And I heard I had to learn to not be okay with not being okay and being okay with verbalizing that I'm not okay today. Sometimes we try to hide it
Crystal Dozier
@CrystalDozier · 0:20


You so glad to hear that, V. And I'm glad I ran across your swell. The moment that I heard that first swell, I am free. I kind of knew it like yeah, we speak that same lingo. I'm right there with you. Yeah. Appreciate that one, honey