Coach Brooklyn Eason
@CoachBrooklyn · 4:52

Have you learned a lesson?

That's why I keep promoting self love, because once you love yourself, you'll never let somebody come in your life and destroy it. Now, this, what I bought, I built. Ain't no man, no woman going to come in my life and take me off my track. And that goes for friendship, because you got to be careful with friendships, too. Friendships. When you're a little girl or a little boy, your first love is your family

Have you learned from your pass mistakes

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:55
Hey coach Brooklyn, such great advice. I love the quote that you're going to keep tripping over the same stone until you learn to pick up your foot. I think life is very not concentric I guess. I don't know a fancy word for spiral but it's spiralized
Coach Brooklyn Eason
@CoachBrooklyn · 0:14


You. Well, thank you. I believe it takes a village for us to grow from one another. And I love to hear other people's input so that way we can grow as a community and learn to love each other unconditionally
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ava K
@Learningtobeme · 4:20
One should learn their lessons, try to create clear boundaries as far as communicating clearly what we are expecting in any relationship, any friendship, and how people, after saying are able to match that with their words, especially with their actions. What you are saying is your word part of it, but are you also putting in the effort with the actions as well or not? If that's not matching up, it's never going to do that. Once in a while it's fine
Balah M.
@Balah · 2:25
Because I have to admit, if I really don't get the lesson, if I really have to stay in the first grade, even though I like my first grade teacher, Miss Smith, she was a very nice woman, but at some time, at some point, it was time to go to the. To the second grade, it was time to get it. But that was all based on what I call tea time, which is te a acronyms. Time, energy and attention
Coach Brooklyn Eason
@CoachBrooklyn · 0:19


Thank you for your feedback. It was wonderful. And, yeah, I mean, we have to be careful and we have to protect ourselves. And in order for us to have peace and have self love, we have to see what's the problem and eliminate the problem. So thank you for your feedback. Bye
Coach Brooklyn Eason
@CoachBrooklyn · 0:46


So just recognizing, and I agree with you. Like I said, we learn every day, but when you have good people around you, when you're doing your self love, it gets better. So thank you for your feedback. It was wonderful
Balah M.
@Balah · 0:51


And even for myself, years ago, I figured out you can't be on the journey if you don't have a journal. Right? So I'm coming from that state of mind, but I'm just looking to see what words would you have for a person that's experiencing a state of peace of mind. Thank you. Looking forward
Coach Brooklyn Eason
@CoachBrooklyn · 0:33


Never to lose yourself on this journey. Whatever it takes for you to see, to continue to have that peace and that love for yourself is where we're gonna continue to go. They always say on the plane for the passenger to put the oxygen mask on themselves first before they can save someone. So, no, you can never love someone until you learn to love yourself first. I know it sounds selfish, but you can't help nobody if you can't help yourself
