Christina Dunham
@chrissydunham · 1:49

How do you manage stress?

Hey guys, I don't know about you, but I definitely have my moments throughout the semester where I feel super stressed and overwhelmed and almost at the point where I'm not really sure what to do. So I kind of want to talk about stress a little bit

#sayitonswell #mentalhealth

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:00

Youre spot on!

Hey Christina, thanks for this post. I mean, I think it's always important to be reminded of these things. And honestly, I think that pretty much everything that you are doing for yourself already is what I would recommend other people do. I think that a lot of folks don't realize that when you're stressed, when you're worrying, when you're not performing at your peak level, your body does actually respond to that stress and manifest itself in physical ways