Christopher Chavez
@Chrischavez · 0:18


article image placeholderLet’s Be Real • A podcast on Anchor
Hey, guys. I'm actually here to promote my podcast on let's Be Real. Yeah, I'm new to it, so I'm not really sure how to do it properly. If I'm doing it right, if I'm doing it wrong, any advice would be great. My link will be in the description. Thank you very much


Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:32


And one of the best kind of strategies to leverage what Swell has to offer is to listen in on topics that are interesting to you by going to the search area or going to the home feed and seeing if there are people here that are saying things that are mind expanding, heart opening to you whatever you're looking for. But it's just what you just did is perfect. Just keep listening in to see if people have responded or invite people using the invite button
Christopher Chavez
@Chrischavez · 0:36


Yeah. So my goal with my podcast is just to basically, you know, touch on a lot of subjects that people, or people just in general, don't really want to be talking about, you know, everyday life or politics or certain just certain things. Not really just in politics, just life in general that just not many people like talking about up