Chloe Kaminskas
@chlomonsta · 4:43

The Beauty Industry and its Marketing strategy

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And so I think that what the industry of beauty and all that stuff needs to stop marketing on is just basically, they need to stop tearing people down because of their insecurities and then profiting off of them

#beauty #wellbeing #wellness #healthindustry

Lilah Klein
@LilahJane · 3:56
I have to look a certain way. I have to be, like, perfect and basically to hate my flaws, which sounds dramatic, but it's kind of the way it goes for every person that does that way. So since I stopped doing that in my senior year of high school for the past year and a half, it's been like a lot of trying to retrain my brain to like my differences and whatnot
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 2:55
It's really more so about companies trying to, I guess, invoke insecurity amongst consumers so that they can profit off them with all of the products that they can sell, because obviously, if you have people that believe that they could be better or they're just not beautiful enough or anything like that, then there is a market for some products and they can obviously make some money off that sort of thing
Melissa Mccarter
@lissahoop · 1:24
Obviously, the reboot isn't going to have Samantha, so that's not a possibility. But it would be an interesting storyline if you think about how it's changed the influence in the way marketing is done and the ID of influencers and everything that you didn't have back then. So I wanted to throw that out about how there is a definite change and shift