Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:51

I love raw sushi!!! Dont give me none of the cooked stuff !

And the octopus, if it's not too spicy, I can't eat it too spicy. But I love all those things. So when we would go out, I would always vision that somewhere down the bloodline I had a little bit of asian in my family. Actually, I do. I found out that I do actually, great great grandmother actually on my dad's side. So not sure what asian culture it is, but we do have it in our family on down the bloodline

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp23Jan24 #TellYourStory @taylor | Trying new food

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:08
And so he practiced taekwondo, he loved reading japanese literature, and he watched anime even in his 50s. So he really adored the culture. Even some of the foods that he cooked. He even had ill. I don't think I've had the ill, though. But even some of the foods he cooked when I was growing up was. It was american style food, but he'll throw in a little asian, a tiny bit of asian flavor there