Chaos Curator
@ChaosCurator · 5:00

Innovation Secrets: Beyond Information

Okay, so in the peace of God that surpasseth all understanding shall guide your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians, chapter four, verse seven. You might be thinking to yourself, what in the world does this have to do with artificial intelligence? You can kind of see it with relationship, but you may be like, what is happening with artificial intelligence? Oh man. Well, before I get there, I have to give the warning

Exploring the future of #ai and our #relationships.

Chaos Curator
@ChaosCurator · 4:58
And so in that culture, in context, the smartest person or the wisest person, the person with the most understanding will always be measured ultimately by their relationships. So this is in stark contrast with today smartest, wisest person, person with the most understanding. Usually we overlook their relationships. And this is, I think, part of the heritage that the Western world has received, has inherited from Greco Roman culture and philosophy
Chaos Curator
@ChaosCurator · 5:00
And so what happens here is that if we have that outlook of just purely information devoid of relationship, let me go this way. So if that were the case, this AI could make the case of the worst race alive. The worst race alive. And they could do that by going and finding, collecting all the data. Collecting all the data and running it through an algorithm of sorts, right? Mine all the data, process it and make an analysis
Chaos Curator
@ChaosCurator · 2:05
And don't settle for information. Go beyond information and invest in relationships. Relationships, relationships, relationships. Because innovation without love is just manipulation. It's all it is. So that's one of the innovation secrets that I've learned and been kind of studying on is that it's just that, well, I'll be really interested to see the responses and maybe some questions and whatnot. But in any case, thanks for listening, and I really enjoyed sharing my thoughts here