Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 4:29

Are you an effective communicator?

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And right now I don't have a lot of friends. I'm very selective in the people that I keep company with because I don't have really time to really dedicate to many people. So when I choose my friends and the people that I choose to spend time with, I'm very selective in how I do that

#communication #growth #evolve #selfawareness

Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 5:00
And those comments that you hear from people and those platform, they can get into your head, they can mess up your day. This is me. I'm not advising people not to use those. But for me, I don't really care much about it because I'm not there. And some people, they spend a day just comment after comment after comment. And sometimes it's so disrespectful comment. And that's not the lifestyle that I really love. There are so better things to do
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