Ceo Shaw
@ceoshaw · 4:34

You are not responsible for that.

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It's. Yo, what is going on, everybody? I hope y'all feeling alright today. I hope y'all are feeling good and well. Listen, I wanted to talk to y'all about something that I've been playing around with in my head for a couple of weeks now

#mentalhealth #selfimprovement #perspective

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:34
I think that matters on both ends, both sides of the equation. But yeah, this happened to me recently where I was talking sort of like had just met somebody and we were having a very deep conversation kind of right off the bat. And then I asked a question that I thought was personal, but I didn't think it was totally intrusive
Ray B
@raykob · 5:00
So there's full openness to the message being received sometimes I observed my psychologist and a couple of other people that work in the field just lead someone to the realization, as opposed to just flat out telling them it's an inquiry. And although you know where you lead it to that given point in time where it's a realization that the individual has, of course it takes a lot of patience. And unless you're hired to be someone's psychologist, you're nobody's psychologist
Ceo Shaw
@ceoshaw · 4:21


It's hard to put yourself before other people because your whole premise is to please others. But when I realized that my self expression mattered just as much as other people's. Man it was a game changer. And when realized that I was not responsible for what I said to people and I was not responsible for how they took it, that was a game changer for me. It