Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 8:41

Lets Talk About Peri Menopause

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Bimal, is this all we are going to be talking about, like regarding perimenopause? Because it's a vast subject? Definitely not. This is more like a precursor or a trailer because this is a very deep topic and it has a lot of facets to it and depending on the kind of feedback we get, I think we will dwell into different aspects. What do you say?

Struggling with mood swings, hot flashes, or focus? Could be Perimenopause (40-44), a Menopause precursor. Learn more in our podcast with Uma Iyer.

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:56
Hello, Bimal and Uma. Wonderful listening to your podcast and you've touched upon so many, I think, aspects that have to do with menopause and perimenopause is something that a lot of women are now sort of experiencing. I think it is on the rise, especially women in their forties have started experiencing this right in the early forties itself
Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 1:26


But they get so embarrassed about what they are going through that they dont talk about it, they dont share with other people and suffer the consequences alone. So thank you so much once again for appreciating and sharing your thoughts and these are the things that encourage us to do more of these kind of topics. Thank you so much
haarate xaabede
@tereliye · 0:36
Hello Bemal and Uma. You have shared a good information about perimenopause. These topics needs to be talked and it has to be shared so that everyone should understand issue regarding this because these things are not discussed commonly in the families. So it is a good information which you shared with me. Thank you for sharing it