Cory Byrd
@Byrdseyeview · 3:29

Whatcha playn’

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But that's to be expected in the open world. So I'm currently playing it on PS Five. I wasn't going to pick it up at first because I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan. I've seen all the movies. I've read one book, one and a half books. I didn't stop because I didn't like it, but I just didn't finish reading it. But I'm also a huge fan of fantasy

#videogames #gamers

Wayne Aina
@Gamer_Dude124 · 3:05

Playing on my #Switch!!!

I'm doing a review for that later down the road myself. So as for the Harry Potter legacy, I've seen previews of it. I've seen couple, I guess, game reviewers having that for the PS Five for the PC. Sorry. It looks great. It's probably one of the better Harry Potter games I've seen, considering that I've tried to play two of them for the phone, nine of the phone
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Cory Byrd
@Byrdseyeview · 3:22


I'm a huge Metroid fan and I played it on the game queue. I played it on the Wii. When they brought us the Wii U, I downloaded it but never played it. I still have the trilogy on the Wii, but when they dropped a shadow dropped that Metroid Prime. I wasn't in the hospital. I was with my daughter in the hospital when it dropped and I was like, oh man, I wish I was holding download that
Wayne Aina
@Gamer_Dude124 · 3:05


I would just buy something that's up to date and review that. And I feel that for me, it's been working for a while. But like you said, family came in and my gaming reviews have been slacking over the years. And I'm just starting to get back into it with Swell, which is great because I love Swell right now. It's perfect for me at the moment