Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 5:00

Daily Drive Episode 174: Stand on Business

But when I bring that up, I bring it up in that sense of like, how much do you stand on your business? How much do you sit there and say, I'm confident in what I do, I'm confident in the things that I say, and no one is actually going to take that away from me because I'm passionate about it, right?

#honor #internal #peace

Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:06
I have to laugh at this because I teach the 8th grade and, you know, these kids throw around so much slang and I pay no attention to it, in part because I don't want to look like the corny old man who's trying to be hip and try to say everything the kids say. But one of the kids one day during class was like, mr. Do you stand on business? I'm like, what do you say it on business