Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 5:00

Daily Drive Episode 45: Alone

But again, it just takes you, as the person to understand that when you realize that you as the person can be able to self heal and to be able to understand that it's not all my fault. You can sit there and self low for a little bit, take your soft fall and whatever else, but then you also have to realize that, you know what? Now is my turn. Now is my turn to self heal

#mental #internal #youmakeit

Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 5:00


If I think that is the biggest thing that a lot of people don't want to do because we want to repress the reasons or whatever it is, and a lot of times we just hold in all of that, and it internally messes us up. So that's number one. Number two, ask yourself, why am I alone? Or what is my reasoning of feeling the way that I feel to be able to do that?