Brinda Sharma
@brindasharma · 1:44

Managing "Burn Out"

Hi, everyone. I hope you guys are doing well today. We will be talking about self priority. How, how, how, how, how, how, how, how, how to prevent being burnt out. Me give you guys a little context. What is being burnt out? Doubt. So typically over walking yourself leads to a burnout. It is a workplace induced stress that hasn't been managed properly

Don’t let your work get the best of you! Let’s talk about how to prevent being burnt out!

Karan Dev
@Karan.Dev · 1:07
Hey, Brenda, thank you so much for that insightful post. What I like in particular is that the steps you mentioned are actionable. And I think if people were to check in with themselves like you mentioned more often by maybe putting aside time just to take care of their mental health, right. If that were the case, then you probably wouldn't be experiencing the levels of burnout in a lot of places