Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 5:00

4am khronicles… part 1

Not because was she didn't do anything, but it's because she is one of those solid friendships that you're so close to the person, but you don't have to talk every day. And then when you do talk, it's like literally picking up where you left off. And I've known this girl I think it's going as far back as probably 2014 or I want to say 2014 or 15. And I'll never forget this was before I transitioned

Time to grow up and i dont do fake….

Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 5:00

Part 2

Just a couple of weeks ago, we're having a conversation on Facebook on a thread that he made on his page, and he deletes it. And I know it's because of what we're talking about