Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 3:49

4am khronicles…

Going through the experience is fine, but I know right now she's not in the clearest headspace to. I mean, the most we could probably ask is how she's feeling in the moment. But I don't think that we would get the most accurate answer when it comes to how the situation is going to be maneuvered and handled. So I may save her for a later date to see how that experience was

Learning not to dwell…..

miss. E
@MissE · 4:58

#patience #karma #excuseme #beingthebetterperson

And as far as your podcast goes, I've been wanting to make a podcast for forever or at least collaborate with someone on a podcast. Yeah, because I just really want to do them for another reason. Why I kind of got on swell to kind of get myself moving towards it. But yeah, if you ever want know what more experience I have regarding being a brand ambassador and things like that, just let me know