Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:57

4am khronicles….

Anybody that's able to disrespect you like that is not somebody that I don't think you should be marrying. I'm going to save that shit for a podcast too, and then fast forward to my sister when it comes to her doing the blended family thing. We come from a blended family. So whether you're a step brother, a stepsister, a step cousin, a half cousin, doesn't matter who you are, you are considered family

The issue whisperer…or maybe im life coach potential!

Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:42
We all were disciplined the same way and fairly. So don't opt to not discipline a child just because that child is technically not yours. She is yours. She's in the family photos, you take her to birthday party, you spend time with her. She is yours. So just don't forget that. So it's like a lot going on. So I'm not a bad mood or anything. I'm not low vibrational