Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 4:29

Why does the US not allow non-binary ID everywhere?

article image placeholderI Lost My X
And, snail, red lobster, giant Australian cuttlefish, spotted hyena, clownfish lion, red sided garter, snake, colobus, monkey, marsh harrier, just to name a few. Around the world, other countries have already passed gender inclusive legislation accounting for the variety and fluidity of sex and gender found in Liz throughout the human experience

#nonbinary #lgbtqia https://s.swell.life/STBylGUFPL4WlJ1

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 2:56
Continually telling trans people that the state knows what's best for us more than we can know for ourselves. Attempting to convince the general public that a segment of the population is sick and the state must protect the public meaning primarily white. Straight. CIS people from them is not new. All you have to do is look only briefly at the history of racism, homophobia, sexism and heterosexism classism and ableism throughout this country
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 3:00


And I don't know, I just never heard that expressed before. So thank you for doing that. I really don't understand, especially with gender identity, why it makes a difference to anyone outside of the person. In the matter of the state, they have to add more boxes to a form, into a database
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 3:38


And so many of these policies, and especially when it comes to identification, is just so exclusionary to the intense amounts of diversity and various contexts that are very important in someone's medical and health history. Not only gender, but also race and ability. I think we all need to be fighting for more equity in care and health care as well. And a lot of the ideas and documentation is really important in all of that
Katie Callahan
@katiecal · 4:05
I honestly don't understand why it would be an issue at all. I really don't understand a lot of government policies made against people who are nonbinary, people who are transgender, people who don't fall into the male female gender spectrum. I don't really understand why it's such a big issue or such a big, controversial talking point in us. Politics, because it really doesn't affect anyone except you or the person, the individual. It really doesn't