Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 2:16

How are you quiet? ⚪️

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There's shower silent and bath silent, and California silent, and Kentucky silent, and car silent. And then there's the silence that comes back a million times bigger than me sneaks into my bones and whales and whales and whales until I can't be quiet anymore. That's how this machine works. I've been feeling very quiet recently, and this poem, I think, articulates that feeling of quietness, but also how, along with quietness, there's usually a certain loudness, too

#poetry #quiet #mentalhealth

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:18
My quiet is this time of morning. It is a part of my morning and evening slash bedtime routine. I have a moment of where I am still. I am quiet. In the morning, I am quiet and I am giving thanks for my wakefulness, my ability to be alive. I reflect on the previous day, the winds from the day and what I wanted to do differently from the previous day, my plan of action to make it different
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:27
There is the quiet that is meditative, there is the quiet that is reflective, there is a quiet that is rejuvenating and refreshing, and there is a quiet that is basically simmering, which is basically the quiet that is needed to help me resolve an internal conflict possibly caused by external circumstances. And that is when I'm weighing my thoughts, the pros and cons and sort of need to be quiet to be able to analyze
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J Wang
@jsmwang · 1:58


And so when they came home, I would be in bed pretending to sleep and I would feel them like as they walked through the hallway and stopped at my door and came in and kissed me on the cheek and then left and they would be talking or sometimes fighting and I would just be listening. Yeah, I think quiet is a form of listening to the loudness, I guess, as you mentioned. Anyway, I love this question
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:11


And I think what you said struck me because I think when I really feel the need to get quiet or make more room for quietness in my life, even when it's uncomfortable, it's because there's a part of me that very much is trying to hear more either within myself or out in the world or from others. And there's something about quietness as a form of listening that actually makes me think about the desire to really connect and to experience a deeper intimacy with one myself or the world