Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 0:22

#TellYourStory From Celebrity PR to Book Blogging

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Book lovers. I'm Siddhi and I go by the name book Cobbler on social media. I am among top book bloggers of India. Top blogs of India in English. In other words, I am a well known book influencer of India. And today I'm here to tell you my story. My story from being celebrity PR to book blogging

Almost 8 years in the field of book blogging. Among top book bloggers of India. Featured in multiple media. This from Celebrity PR to blogging

Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 1:35


However in 2015 I was diagnosed with multiple health issues and I had to give up a well paying job with leading channel of India. But books have always been a part of my life. They are inherently present in me. So throughout my phase when I was bedridden, I was reading and that's when I decided to come up with a blog that was dedicated to different genres. And in 2016 my blog of book, babies and more was born
Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 1:16

Lowest hit

So, as I mentioned, in 2016, I started the blog while I was bedridden. I was penning concise reviews there. But in 2017, during the promotions of my debut novel, I came across a community of book bloggers called Bookstagram India. That's when I decided that I would continue writing reviews. Initially, I was writing movie reviews, which was a part of visual literature, and now I would be writing reviews for books. Books is something that I have always been passionate about
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 1:19

Why book_gobbler?

At the age of 16, I read the Constitution of India and I'm very proud of that. But I was introduced into the world of fiction because of my friends who handed over a mills and Boon one day and asked me to read. And it turned out to be such a wonderful experience that I stuck to fiction. I actually got addicted to fiction as well. So that's how my reading journey was growing up. However, there was a joke in my family
Siddhi Palande
@Book_gobbler · 1:26

My motto

Back in 2016, post traumatic stress disorder wasn't a mainstream word, in fact, anything to do with psychological issues. Mental health was looked at as stigma. So even though I was going through PTSD, I wasn't medically diagnosed, and so I was not on medicines. In fact, I couldn't have been on medicines because I was breastfeeding my child. However, books helped me stay afloat. Books held on to me. That was biblotherapy