Bloomix Bennie
@Bloomix2003 · 2:59


Gone I remember it was just yesterday as we watched our favorite comedy together. Today I wake up with tears swimming down my face. Another beautiful dream. It seems as if it's an album filled with our memories together. Just the thought of you gone leaves me with with tearful eyes. Today I woke up to feel the place beside me which you used to feel. It's empty. Your warmth is missing. My pillow is happy with the dampness of my tears. Why did you leave?

# i miss you

Classic Cupcake
@Classic_Cupcake · 0:26
I think you have spelled out grief in a very hauntingly, beautiful way. So, yeah, I let this sink in, because right now I'm feeling a lot of things. Thank you so much for sharing it with us
Bloomix Bennie
@Bloomix2003 · 0:22


Hi. Classic Cupcake. Thank you for listening to my poem Gone. It seems as if you wait. You replied to my poem. That's what I felt when I was writing it. So, yeah. Thank you
