Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 7:07

Friday Am Thoughts 2/9/2024

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It's the pursuit of happiness, a movie I've never watched, but a song I've listened to time and time again. And today, this morning, I decided I think I might watch that movie finally. I've seen clips, I've heard great things about it. I know the theme of it is a strong one, but this morning, I was, like, typing out a message that I wanted to post on Instagram




You reminded me of something I heard some time ago now, and it was secondhand, so I don't know exactly where it came from, but it was some book where at least one individual, if not two or three, had done some research on happiness. And they found that the happiest people in the world, they didn't pursue happiness. Instead, they pursued what gave them meaning, what was meaningful in their life. And then happiness came as a result
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 3:27


Like, we're going to have to sign into the company that they've partnered with and then record our podcast through there. And I don't want to do my podcast anymore. I'd rather just use this platform. I have 15 minutes and I have the option to have the premium option for my topics that are a little bit more in depth. If someone wants to subscribe to that, they can. But this world is a change in and I don't like some of the changes